Sunday 26 May 2013


My favourite Tuscan food is "Cacciucco". This dish is typical of Livorno but is cooked everywhere in Tuscany. It is prepared with different kinds of fishes, in fact we use cuttlefish, shellfish and crustaceans. Other ingredients for the sauce are: garlic, chilli, olive oil, tomatoes, onions and parsley. This is a sort of broth that we eat with toasted bread. For the preparation, first wash and slice the fish in two or three pieces, then put them in a pot with oil on the fire. Then, add chopped garlic and chilli and cook for about 20 minutes. After that add the tomatoes, the onions and some salt and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. Finally, toast some slices of bread and rub them with another clove of garlic. Put the slices of toastes bread into the dish and cover it with the fish sauce. Add a pinch of parsley before serving. This food is very good and tasty and I recommend it to people who love fish.

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